Why are you doing this?
I like to draw cats and I like to help make people happy! Making Random Acts of Cat portraits helps keep me creative and busy when I’m between paid work, and I can practice with new mediums and methods.
How do you decide which cats to draw?
I open up a social media and scroll down until I find an image that catches my eye! This might depend entirely on the photo or be a combination of the photo, description, and/or circumstances of the post.
Wow, thanks for drawing my cat! How much do I owe you?
Nothing! You’re more than welcome to make a donation to support Random Acts of Cat but this is completely voluntary.
What are the donations for?
Art supplies and shipping costs and supplies.
I live in (insert country here), will you still mail me my portrait?
Can I repost the drawing to my Instagram/Facebook page/other social media?
Of course! I would just appreciate a link back to this site or one of my social media pages!
What do you do with the portraits that aren’t mailed out?
They’re hanging in my studio to be enjoyed by anyone who might stop by!
How big are these portraits? And what materials do you use?
The drawings from 2020 are all 3×3″ on cardstock. They’re inked with Micron and Copic pens, colored with Copic markers, and white details are added with a Sakura Gelly Roll gel pen.
Currently (2022) I’m primarily painting portraits with acrylics. Sizes vary depending on what I’m painting on – usually wood or canvas – but I work small, and are all of my Random Acts of Cat portraits are small enough to fit in the palm of your hand!